
I’m Alisha, a SAHM to 2 great girls and wife to a pretty terrific guy.  I would always rather be found with my glue gun than folding laundry, and the truth be told,  I’m not very creative, but rather I’m a really good copycat who puts her own twist on things.  Most of my craft projects are inspired by things I see in magazines and catalogues, on other blogs or in stores (but aren’t willing to pay for!).   Now that my daughters are in school I’ve finally found the time to listen to my friends and family who’ve always said I should sell and write about projects, so here we are ~ I hope you enjoy and I look forward to reading what you have to share, too!

In August of 2011 we embarked on the adventure of a lifetime and moved to Tokyo for a few years.  We shared many of our Japanese experiences.  Fortunately, my glue gun made the trip, too!  In the Winter of 2014 we returned and began life in the Northeast again, incorporating many special mementos of our time abroad to our new home in the US.

If you’d like to feature one of my posts, ask me a question or contact me, feel free to email me at FeltSoCute@gmail.com

16 Responses to About

  1. Cute Husband says:

    Disagree – you ARE creative. I think this site proves it. So there.

    PS Have you seen my keys?

  2. oh my lord, if that isn’t the cutest, sweetest thing!

  3. Jenny says:

    Love your blog. May I please add a link to your cute wreath posted on the 14th of this month?

  4. feltsocute says:

    Absolutely {and I’d love to see if you try one yourself – it was fun and super easy!}.

  5. Glad I found you, I can tell by the yarmulke on your husband in one of the photos that you and I are one in the same… craft crazy Jewish housewives! There aren’t many Jewish craft bloggers so I am happy to find another!!! Now if only I could figure out where your follor button it, I would be ver happy!

  6. feltsocute says:

    WordPress doesn’t have a “Follower” button like Blogspot, but you can click on the “Subscribe” button on the righthand side and get an email whenever there’s a new post. So glad to find other Jewish Crafty Ladies and welcome! 🙂

  7. Yay! I was able to add your URL to my Blog Reading List!

  8. Rachel says:

    Hi Alisha!

    I’m one of the Editors at AllFreeHolidayCrafts.com and I just wanted to let you know that I have linked to your project on our site. You can see the project here:


    I think it’s a great project that our readers will just love to make! This will easily bring traffic to your site and allow others to see what’s new on your site.

    Please note that our site is currently under construction. We are working on the design and are constantly adding more projects, so please check back in the coming weeks and months to see its development!

    We’re hoping that by reaching out we’ll hear back from you. With that said, can we have permission to link to any project on your site as well as use the image, with credit to you, of course?


  9. My Process Diary says:

    I love your coloured felt flowers! They are beautiful!

  10. Brittany says:

    I ❤ your blog and read it regularly. I know you are not in the state any more but I was in TJ Maxx today and they have TONS and I mean TONS of Lilly Pulitzer stuff. Well mainly stationary and a few home good type things. Thought I would pass that info on to you as I know you love her things.

  11. Becky says:

    Hi Alisha,

    I just stumbled across your site, it is really cute! I’m a non trad full time college student so I don’t get a lot of time for crafting, but I always have a project or two I’m working on in my “spare” time.

    I think it’s great that you are in Japan, how exciting, I love the food! Can’t wait to hear about your experiances there.


  12. jennifer bring says:

    HI Alisha!!! I love your blog and your creativeness…even in japan!!! Your family is beautiful and I am so thrilled to have stumbled across your blog…(from Pinterest) I am not a great crafter but I am a good and somewhat creative theme stylist and ‘borrow’ many ideas from wherever I can….I especially loved your chanukah gelt in the vases idea and will be borrowing it this December. (My friends call me “Martha Jewish’) love love all of your blog entries… jennifer.

  13. Alisha! I never knew this was your blog! Love it!

  14. BEVERLY HAGLER says:

    any chance you can post instructions for the decked out dreidels? Can’t find it anywhere! And which glue and which glitter you used? Thanks!!!

  15. Jodie Kingsbury says:

    HI, I have always loved reading your blog and still click on it a few times a week just to see if there is a new post. Miss reading and seeing all of your crafty posts and everything else. Hope all is well and you have a blessed 2017.

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