VERY Easy Burp Cloths

We just got word that Cute Husband’s cousin and his wife just had a healthy baby girl! Mazel Tov!

I’ll of course put together a package of baby goodies from my Felt So Cute Etsy shop, but I also wanted to put a few other things in the package.  In looking through all my supplies, I came across some things and remembered all the basic burp cloths I embellished for The Cuties and how handy they were and thought I’d make up a set.

I prefer the Gerber flat-fold cloth diapers and grosgrain ribbons for this project.

You’ll notice all the ribbons I considered were 1.5″ wide.  The main reason is to make sure I can cover up that stamped Gerber logo you see on the cloth diaper.

Very simply, all you need to do is fold a little hem under on each side of your ribbon and sew the grosgrain down.  I prefer to do both sides for a bit of extra cuteness {check out my unchipped manicure ~ do you know about gel polish yet?  BEST invention ever!}.

That’s all you have to do.  If you have tags, though don’t forget them!

One more thing to share with you is one of my very random uncompromising beliefs in life.  Never underestimate the value of a gift wrapped up in real ribbon.  It makes all the difference in the world.  I’m convinced you could literally wrap up index cards in a giant satin bow and a cute layered tag and people would ooh and aah {FYI ~ another one of these beliefs is that Cool Whip should be banned as there is simply no substitute for real whipped cream.  I’d make it daily but then I couldn’t fit out the door to continue buying more heavy whipping cream and well ~ you see my dilemma}.

So it helps to have ribbon on hand at all times.  I will confess this is not my complete stash.  However, Cute Husband subscribes to my blog so I can not reveal the remainder of the hoard.

I started with some fat ric rac to hold the burpies together.  Ric rac just makes me smile.  How about you?

And then I just added a big bow and a tag and into the box it goes!

I’m almost a little sad now.  I used to make these all the time but this is most likely the end of an era.  I’m of an age at the stage in life where this is most likely one of the last baby gifts I think I’ll give for a very long time.  Our siblings are all done having babies, as are our friends.  I think Bar/Bat Mitzvah gifts and Sweet 16s are the wave of my future more than anything else!

Linked to:
C.R.A.F.T., Making the World Cuter, Keeping it Simple, Between Naps on the Porch, Mad in Crafts, Craft-O-Maniac, The Girl Creative, Today’s Creative Blog, Hope Studios, Sugar Bee, These Creative Juices, Skip to My Lou, Creative Itch, Not Just a Housewife, Tip Junkie, Sew Much Ado, My Backyard Eden, Nikki’s Nifty Knacks, Somewhat Simple, House of Hepworths, Beyond the Picket Fence, The Shabby Chic Cottage, Fireflies and Jellybeans, Life as Lori, Paisley Passions, It’s a Hodgepodge Life, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Fun to Craft, Tidy Mom, My Romantic Home, The Shabby Nest, Frugal & Fabulous Design, Yesterday on Tuesday, Tatertots and Jello, Be Different Act Normal
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34 Responses to VERY Easy Burp Cloths

  1. vivupnorth says:

    Cute burp cloths! Thanks for the idea. I may have to make some after a trip to get some ribbon, of course – your stash is quite enviable!

  2. Lisa says:

    These are adorable! Very easy, but super cute! I’m interested to see what you come up with for bar/mat mitzvahs. I’m trying to think if I ever got anything really unique…
    Someone gave me a Bat Mitzbear that was a pink teddy bear dressed up with a tallit and yarmulke. I still have it!

  3. Emily says:

    We share a random, uncompromising belief 🙂 I don’t own any disposable gift wrap ribbon (can’t even think of the proper name for it! 🙂 and love fabric ribbon because the person you give it to can go on to use it to wrap another gift, tie up their hair, embellish a burp cloth, etc. The thing about it that most people don’t realize, though, is that it can be as affordable, if not more so, as the kind that gets thrown away! Hobby Lobby and Michael’s are both always having 50% off sales on ribbon spools! You can pick them up for $.99-$2.99 if you watch for sales. Not too shabby 🙂

  4. Those look great! I will have to try that out for some upcoming baby gifts. 🙂

    PS–visiting from the Keeping it Simple linky party

  5. Lindsay says:

    Very cute!!!! Where did you get your shelving for the ribbon? I have been searching for one of these for a long time!!!!

  6. feltsocute says:

    It’s from Michael’s ~ they have a small section of craft room organizing supplies and you can use their coupons for it! I think the regular price was $19.99 if I recall. I’ve got a huge range of widths, but there are over 50 ribbons on the rods alone!

  7. Michelle says:

    Hi, I am visiting from take a look tuesday. Beautiful burp cloths. Don’t worry you will find fun things to sew for the older kids too!

  8. I love these burp clothes! This was a great post!!! I am your newest follower and hope that you will come be a follower at my blog!!! brooke
    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  9. Kristin says:

    These are so cute! I’m sure they will be well loved my the new mom and well used by the little babe! I usually make my burp cloths out of flannel, but I think I might try some of these for a change.

    PS I love the manicure – will have to check out Gel polish!

  10. April says:

    oh yes! I love love love ric rac! Your burp clothes are super cute! I would love for you to come link up this weekend to my Sew Crafty Saturday Party!

  11. Nikki says:

    Those are darling! Thanks so much for linking them up to gettin’ crafty on hump day! 🙂

  12. Cha Cha says:

    So stinkin cute and what a great personal gift theses are. Thank you for inspiring me to put more effort into gifts–the smallest things really do count.

    Cha Cha

  13. karol dorsey says:

    Just found site on facebook. Love it. Spent far too long reading. Must try some of these..Tile board is terrific.

  14. Lacy says:

    I love these and I think I could possible make them! Thanks for the tutorial!

  15. Sue says:

    They look adorable! I love ric rac too, and agree with you about cool whip:)

  16. Very nice burp cloths and very nice gifts to receive.

  17. Michelle says:

    So sweet! 🙂 I love handmade gifts, especially when celebrating new babies! Great job!

  18. Brooke says:

    Why do you have to turn the ribbon under? Love the idea!

  19. feltsocute says:

    It just gives you a crisp “hem” to it – if you didn’t most ribbons would fray.

  20. Erica says:

    I’m currently working on a blog post that this post inspired. I’m going to include a link back to you. Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Pingback: Sew So Cute! « Between a rock & a hobby

  22. Mz. La_T_da says:

    What a sweet and simple idea, I wish I had an awesome and crafty friend who knew how to make these for my first ^_^ I’d be happy to offer myself as an excuse to make as many more of these as you’d like ^_^

  23. Pingback: 60 Popular Baby Shower Homemade Presents - Tip Junkie

  24. barbraabf says:

    Those are super cute….

  25. bostonsamsblog says:

    Very lovable idea and we will try them.

  26. jocelyn says:

    love the idea but can u give me tips on where to buy cloth diapers? i have not been able to find any.

  27. feltsocute says:

    I always bought mine at Babies R Us or any other baby supply store. I’ve also seen them on Amazon.

  28. Beth Myers says:

    Love your burp cloths! Where did you order your personalized business tag from?

  29. feltsocute says:

    Thank you. I found them in a shop on Etsy. There are TONS to choose from. All depends on your font needs, quantities and size requirements!

  30. Beth Myers says:

    What are they called? LOL – I’ve started sewing for other people and would love to leave my signature on each piece 🙂

  31. feltsocute says:

    Search for “custom fabric labels”
    I’m sorry it’s been so long since I ordered mine that I can’t recall the shop on Etsy from which I bought them!

  32. Beth Myers says:

    Thank you!

  33. Pingback: These DIY Baby Shower Ideas Will Save You Time and Money...They are So Cute - Wow Amazing

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